This definition basically refers to your ability to handle the stress that you are dealt every day at either work, or school, whatever the case may be. Striving for occupational wellness takes much patience and concentration. To achieve this optimal wellness, you must find a way to get all of your work done, while still having fun. The old saying “All work and no play” is actually correct; its not healthy.
We have all had times when we are at work and it is so hard to concentrate, because we have so many things depending on us. The important thing to remember is that we can’t cave in when we feel pressured and let stress get the best of us. By achieving a high level of Occupational Wellness, you will find that you will become much more focused on the task at hand, and you will also enjoy your work more if you aren’t as pressured. These concepts are all pertaining to the definition of what Occupational Wellness is. It changes for everyone, depending on whether you work or go to school.
What kinds of Occupational Wellness
are there?
How can other components of Wellness
affect your Occupational stress levels?
Links to other good information.
Where we found OUR information.